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Character Defines your Dream Home!


What is character?

Character defines your Dream Home!

Character (kâr' k - tr) noun.
         1.) The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or
          thing from another. (American Heritage Dictionary)


That is one definition of character, but what do you think of when you hear that a home has character? One person might begin to envision steep gables and a tapering stone chimney while another person automatically imagines a large shed dormer and the perfect combination of stone, siding, and shakes.



Everyone seems to want a home with character. Character is part of that "special something" that makes a house a home, but character is something that no one can quite put a finger on. That is because everyone has different expectations and preferences. Even with all of these different tastes and inclinations, we at The Plan Collection feel confident that we can help you find your dream home.



We offer nearly 19,000 house plans from designers and architects located all over the United States and Canada, and we have put a lot of time and effort into making each plan easy to find and access with our new Search Options. We know that it can be difficult and frustrating to look through plan after plan. That is why we have caring sales associates that are just waiting to help you narrow your search. For help, just call us toll free at 1-866-787-2023, or use our "Ask Question" tab at the top of each house plan page.



We are here to do whatever we can to help you find a home with just the right character. Let us know how we can help so that you can find your dream home today!


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